October 29, 2010

Trip to Sutphen near Columbus, OH to bring new 28-13 home.

Arrival of 28-13 at Liberty Street Station

October 11, 2010

Old 28-13 has been sold to Venango Volunteer Fire Department. Venango picked up 28-13 on Friday, October 1st. 28-13 is now known as 25-2 and we continue to respond to emergencies in Crawford County thanks to Venango.

October 4, 2010

The body, pump, and cab have been married together. Starting to look more like a fire engine. The new engine should be arriving the evening of October 29th.

September 27, 2010

The new engine continues to take shape. Recently the pump house and fire body completed the paint process and within the next week or so will be married to the chassis. Controls are beginning to be added to the pump panel and lighting along with supports for shelving have been added to the fire body. The cab/chassis continue to have equipment and finishing touches added. Hand lights, scba seats, map dividers, and most controls are now in place. The new engine is expected to be available for pick up in 4-5 weeks.

September 10, 2010

The Sutphen chassis plant has finished construction of the cab and chassis portion of new 28-13. The chassis is currently being transferred to Sutphen’s assembly plant in Columbus Ohio to have the fire body and pump house installed on the chassis. Once that has occurred the final touches to the engine including lighting, ladder brackets, and graphics will begin. Within the next few weeks the department will have an accurate ballpark date for factory training and pick up.

August 31, 2010

The cab was attached to the chassis today. During the next week or so the chassis will be ready to test drive and have final detail work. The fire body is currently awaiting paint and the pump is moving forward. The link to this pdf contains photos of the pump house and the pump itself: Pump House Photos

August 19, 2010

Sutphen Corporation released additional progress photos of the new engine. The fire body is awaiting paint, the water/foam tank and much of the wiring has been installed in this portion of the new engine. The chassis is also beginning to take shape, it has been painted and several components have been installed. The cab has gone to paint as well. Currently much of the wiring within the cab is being installed.

August 6, 2010

Construction on the new engine has begun at Sutphen Corporation in Columbus, Ohio. The company received the material for the aluminum body last week and constructed the rear (fire body) portion of the new engine. The water tank for the new engine also arrived at the company this week, the water tank will hold 1,000 gallons of water. Constructed within the water tank is a separate 30 gallon tank that will hold class A foam concentrate. Construction will begin shortly on the chassis and cab of the new engine along with the pump module.

May 14, 2010

During the May business meeting the members of West Mead #1 approved the final drawing and change orders for our new engine. The new engine committee traveled to Columbus, Ohio, in March and spent the day with engineers from the Sutphen Corporation going over the engine plans. Everything from the gearing in the rear axle to the number of shelves in each compartment were discussed. The committee also identified several areas to improve the new engine as a result of the meeting. All of the changes were made to improve the safety and efficiency of the new piece. The new engine is scheduled to begin production in mid July, during production the committee will travel to Sutphen several times to acquire updates for both the membership of West Mead #1 and our residents. Tentatively the new engine will be available for delivery in October.

West Mead #1 will be posting updates on the engine as they become available.

Thank you to all of our residents that have donated to this year’s fund drive. It is a result of your continued support that we were able to move forward with this project.