The two West Mead volunteer fire departments worked together to remind elementary school students about fire safety. Chiefs Brad Johnston of West Mead #1 and Landon Silva of West Mead #2 organized engine crews on 28-13, 28-12, and 29-8 to arrive at Neason Hill Elementary as the teachers and students concluded a fire drill. Then smaller groups entered the school cafeteria or library to hear presentations on fire safety taught by Brad Johnston. The crews took turns packing up and simulating a quick primary search. Students learned about the protective gear worn by firefighters, with reminders to stay safely outside their home at a pre-determined meeting place. Scattered showers prevented the typical tours of the apparatus, but the annual effort to raise fire safety awareness is always a highlight for firefighters.

West Mead #1 thanks West Mead #2 for their assistance and the staff at Neason Hill Elementary for inviting us to talk about fire safety.