For the second week in a row, the beginning of the work week brought a residential structure fire to the members of West Mead #1 and several surrounding departments. At 04:35 am East Mead, West Mead #1, and West Mead #2 were dispatched to a reported structure fire on West Oil Creek Road in East Mead Township. West Mead #1 responded with 14 members staffing 28-11, 28-12, and 28-13. While enroute, 9-Portable arrived on scene and confirmed a working structure fire. East Mead 9-1 arrived on scene and began a blitz attack while crew members from 9 and 28 stretched attack lines to the first and second floors. West Mead #2 arrived on scene and assisted with stretching the lines and ventilation. The incident eventually reached three alarms bringing several more department to the scene.
West Mead #1 returned to service at 8:43 am. At 13:06 pm West Mead #1 responded to a medical emergency in the township and at 15:22 returned to the Oil Creek structure to assist with a rekindle. West Mead #1 members eventually cleared the Oil Creek Road incident and returned to service at 20:23.
Department 16 (Meadville Central) provided standby coverage for West Mead Township while we operated at the East Mead incident.
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